228 Presents: The second of two "Nights Of The Leos"
Fri, Aug 06
Doors open one hour before showtime. Seating is first come first served.

When + Where
Aug 06, 2021, 8:00 PM
Phoenixville, 119 S Main St, Phoenixville, PA 19460, USA
The second of two "Nights Of The Leos" musical showcases slams into The Soundbank with the ferocity of... well, a lion... with paws full of bootleg mixtapes and a headful of bad noise!
A dangerously intoxicating brew of loud music and worse decisions, the evening's lineup includes B.U.E.B. (of course) -- alongside returning monsters THE AMORPHOUS BLOB ORCHESTRA and BERN & THE BASTARDS -- plus the Phoenixville debut of THE WEDDING FUNERAL!
B.U.E.B. is the comedic distortion garbage roommate you didn't need in your life! Merely a 20-minute set, but the scars last a lifetime. Tell your pals to avoid https://buebr00lz.bandcamp.com/!
Catchy hooks and cult-genre lyrics blend with a healthy dose of political satire during a BERN & THE BASTARDS show! Then, combine this palette-(drain)cleanser with the ashes of Molly Rhythm and forty other Nikki Nailbomb projects to form THE AMORPHOUS BLOB ORCHESTRA! (Links for B&TB and TABO, respectively.)
"THE WEDDING FUNERAL is the brainchild of internationally-touring, alt-punk-blues musician Darren Deicide and choral-trained Ethyl Lynn Oxide" -- two death's-heads we haven't entertained in years! Preview the vinyl you'll take home at the show, and peruse further unearthly occurrences at theweddingfuneral.com!
$5 cover. The Soundbank prides itself on providing the best listening experience in Phoenixville -- not that it'll matter when B.U.E.B. goes on. But hey, order a boatload of tater tots and stuff 'um in your ears! (Also great with mustard.) 228 Productions thanks you for supportin' the scene!
General Admission
General Admission Ticket. Doors, kitchen and bar open one hour before showtime.
$5.00Sale ended